September 2023 Senatus Meeting
In the Allocutio, Rev. Fr. William Ojulo, Spiritual Director of Tororo Comitium emphasised (basing on the booklet Some Handbook Reflections, Attendance at Council Meetings Pg 41) that every member of […]
Senatus of Uganda | Legion of Mary
National governing Council
In the Allocutio, Rev. Fr. William Ojulo, Spiritual Director of Tororo Comitium emphasised (basing on the booklet Some Handbook Reflections, Attendance at Council Meetings Pg 41) that every member of […]
Sr. Nalongo Mbaine Joan was elected for her first term at the September meeting as the Senatus Treasurer to replace Sr. Helen Kisakye who completed her 2nd term.
In the Allocutio, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Mawanda, Spiritual Director of Kabuwoko Comitium in Masaka Diocese emphasized (basing on the Spiritual Reading from the handbook Chapter 5 Section 5) that to […]
Notice of the election of the Senatus Treasurer was given at the August Senatus meeting. Elections will be held in the coming September meeting.
Councils and Praesidia were reminded to pay for their Spiritual Directors for the upcoming National Spiritual Directors Conference. For further inquiries and deposits, contact Ritah Nantongo, the treasurer of the […]
Preparations for the National Spiritual Directors at St. Mary’s National Major Seminary, Ggaba are in high gear. The venue is already book. Councils and Praesidia are encouraged to pay for […]
120 Christians inclusive of 9 priests made a pilgrimage to Nairobi in commemoration of the 79th Anniversary of the death of Edel Quinn from 11th May to 14th May 2023. […]
Rev. Fr. Protase Rutaremwa has been appointed Assistant Spiritual Director of Senatus of Uganda by the Uganda Episcopal Conference effective 8th December 2022. Fr. Protase replaces Rev. Fr. Ronnie Mubiru […]
Br. Aloysius Kiribaki was elected at the August meeting to replace Sr. Susan Maria Nsubuga who completed her 2nd term of office.
Br. Nashaba Victor was re-elected as the 1st Assistant Secretary of Senatus of Uganda in the May meeting for his second term.