In the Allocutio, Rev. Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe reminded us that the strength of the Legion of Mary is in the strength of the Praesidium and the strength of the Praesidium is based more on having good officers.
In the Correspondence received from Concilium, we were encouraged to explore the new website containing Frank Duff’s writings. Here is the LINK.
In reference to the handbook Chapter 39 Section 28, the Spiritual Bouquet for Bishop Lawrence Mukasa was delivered by the representatives of Senatus. The Bishop was grateful for the great offer by the Legion of Mary.
Councils and Praesidia that had taken part in the biweekly Uganda Catholic Television (UCTV) Legion of Mary program, Connect with Mary were thanked. Legionaries were encouraged to watch UCTV and the program in particular on Thursday at 6pm.
Legionaries were encouraged to take part in the campaign of Laudato Si and plant trees. Each Legionary is expected to report the trees they have planted to their Praesidia and then to the next higher Council so that a report is generated by Senatus by May 2024.
Kabale Regia and Kampala Comitium A presented their annual reports.
Legionaries were wished a happy New Year 2024.