
May 2025 Senatus Meeting

Christ the King Church, Kampala Christ the King Church, Plot 3 Colville St, Kampala, Kampala, Central, Uganda

The monthly meeting for the members of Senatus of Uganda. Mass will start at 8am in Christ the King Church and the meeting commences at 10:00am in Cardinal Wamala Hall at Christ the King. All Legionaries are welcome especially, officers of the councils and Praesidia that are directly attached to Senatus.

June 2025 Senatus Meeting

Christ the King Church, Kampala Christ the King Church, Plot 3 Colville St, Kampala, Kampala, Central, Uganda

The monthly meeting for the members of Senatus of Uganda. Mass will start at 8am in Christ the King Church and the meeting commences at 10:00am in Cardinal Wamala Hall at Christ the King. All Legionaries are welcome especially, officers of the councils and Praesidia that are directly attached to Senatus.

July 2025 Senatus Meeting

Christ the King Church, Kampala Christ the King Church, Plot 3 Colville St, Kampala, Kampala, Central, Uganda

The monthly meeting for the members of Senatus of Uganda. Mass will start at 8am in Christ the King Church and the meeting commences at 10:00am in Cardinal Wamala Hall at Christ the King. All Legionaries are welcome especially, officers of the councils and Praesidia that are directly attached to Senatus.

Arrival of Venerable Edel Quinn in Uganda

Nsambya 7HXQ+7JP, Kampala, Kampala, Central, Uganda

Celebration of the Arrival of Venerable Edel Quinn in Uganda Join us as we commemorate the arrival of Venerable Edel Quinn in Uganda, a momentous event that marked the beginning of the Legion of Mary’s growth in our country. Edel Quinn, a dedicated lay missionary, brought the Legion to East Africa, planting seeds of faith, […]

August 2025 Senatus Meeting

Christ the King Church, Kampala Christ the King Church, Plot 3 Colville St, Kampala, Kampala, Central, Uganda

The monthly meeting for the members of Senatus of Uganda. Mass will start at 8am in Christ the King Church and the meeting commences at 10:00am in Cardinal Wamala Hall at Christ the King. All Legionaries are welcome especially, officers of the councils and Praesidia that are directly attached to Senatus.

12th National Spiritual Directors’ Conference

St. Mary's National Major Seminary, Ggaba KAMPALA, Uganda Ggaba Road, Kampala, Kampala, Uganda

Under the theme “Do not be Afraid” (John 6:20), the 12th National Spiritual Directors’ Conference is a significant gathering aimed at strengthening the role of clergy in guiding the Legion of Mary. It will bring together Spiritual Directors from Uganda and the East African region for theological reflection, pastoral guidance, and strategic discussions on advancing […]


104th Commemoration of the founding of the Legion of Mary

All Councils are advised to organise a celebration of 104 years of the Legion of Mary, a movement founded on September 7, 1921, in Dublin, Ireland, by Frank Duff. From its humble beginnings, the Legion has grown into a worldwide apostolic movement dedicated to evangelization, prayer, and service under the guidance of Our Blessed Mother.

Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Kibeho, Rwanda

Kibeho, Rwanda Kibeho, Rwanda, Rwanda

Senatus of Uganda has organised the pilgrimage of Legionaries to Kibeho, Rwanda, the place where our Lady appeared to 3 visionaries, Alphonsine Mumureke, Nathalie Mukamazimpaka and Marie Claire Mukangango beginning in 1981 under the name “Nyina wa Jambo” that is, “Mother of the Word”. The fee (UGX 280,000) will cater for transport, accommodation and meals. […]


September 2025 Senatus Meeting

Christ the King Church, Kampala Christ the King Church, Plot 3 Colville St, Kampala, Kampala, Central, Uganda

The monthly meeting for the members of Senatus of Uganda. Mass will start at 8am in Christ the King Church and the meeting commences at 10:00am in Cardinal Wamala Hall at Christ the King. All Legionaries are welcome especially, officers of the councils and Praesidia that are directly attached to Senatus.

87th Anniversary of the Legion of Mary in Uganda

Nkokonjeru Nkokonjeru, Buikwe, Buikwe, Central, Uganda

The first Legion of Mary meeting was held on 24th September 1938 at Nkokonjeru PTC. Nkokonjeru was set aside by the Ordinary of Lugazi Diocese as a Pilgrimage site. Join us as we celebrate 87 years of Legion of Mary in Uganda

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