Celebrate the Legion of Mary’s birthday with love, faith, and unity

Birthdays are special moments in our lives. They remind us of the love and care we receive from those around us—friends, family, and community. Many of us are showered with messages, gifts, prayers and affection on our birthdays, making us feel cherished and valued. As we look ahead, there is a birthday that deserves our attention: the founding anniversary of the Legion of Mary on the 7th of September.

This is not just any day; it’s a day to celebrate the birth of a movement that has brought together countless souls in friendship, faith, and service to Our Lady. It’s a day that calls us to reflect on our mission, strengthen our bonds, and renew our commitment to the values that unite us as Legionaries.

Each one of us is urged—yes, you who are reading this—to take action. Let’s not let this day pass by unnoticed. Reach out to a neighbor, a friend, or a fellow Legionary. Remind them of the significance of this great day. Let’s come together, just as we do on our birthdays, to celebrate, to give thanks, and to recommit ourselves to the mission of the Legion of Mary.

Proposed Actions for Individuals

  1. Send a Personal Message: Reach out to a fellow Legionary with a heartfelt message reminding them of the Legion’s anniversary and encouraging them to reflect on its impact in their life.
  2. Offer a Prayer of Thanksgiving: Spend a few moments in prayer, thanking God for the gift of the Legion of Mary and asking for the strength to continue serving faithfully.
  3. Invite Someone to Join: Encourage a friend or family member to attend a Legion of Mary meeting or event, introducing them to the global movement that was described by Pope John XXIII as the “True face of the Catholic Church”.
  4. Perform an Act of Kindness: Dedicate a small act of kindness in honor of the Legion’s birthday, such as helping a neighbour or volunteering at your parish.
  5. Renew Your Commitment: Take some time to renew your commitment to the Legion’s principles by reading a section of the Handbook or reflecting on your role in the movement.
  6. Celebrate with a Meal: Prepare a special meal or snack in celebration of the Legion’s birthday, sharing it with others as a symbol of fellowship.
  7. Light a Candle: Light a candle in your home or parish in honour of the Legion of Mary, symbolizing your ongoing dedication to its mission.
  8. Meditate on the Rosary: Spend time meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, seeking Our Lady’s guidance and strength in your life.
  9. Express Gratitude: Write a thank-you note to a Legionary who has inspired or supported you, expressing your appreciation for their dedication and friendship.

Actions for Praesidia or Councils

  1. Organize a Special Meeting: Hold a special meeting dedicated to the Legion’s birthday, focusing on the history, mission, and future goals of the movement.
  2. Organise or Offer Mass: Invite friends and other Parishioners to attend Mass and say something about the Legion of Mary.
  3. Plan a Group Outreach: Organize a group outreach activity, such as visiting the sick, elderly, or those in need, as a way to live out the Legion’s mission of love and service.
  4. Collaborate with Other Groups: Reach out to other Praesidia or Councils to plan a joint event or project, promoting teamwork and unity across the Legion.
  5. Distribute Rosaries: Organize a campaign to distribute rosaries to parishioners, promoting devotion to Our Lady and the Legion’s mission of faith.
  6. Conduct a Training Session: Use this occasion to hold a training session for members, focusing on leadership development, teamwork, and the spiritual growth of the Legion.
  7. Publicize the Anniversary: Create posters, flyers, or social media posts to spread awareness of the Legion’s anniversary, inviting others to join in the celebrations.

Let’s make the 7th of September a day of joy, reflection, and renewed dedication to our shared mission in the Legion of Mary. Together, we can inspire each other to grow in love, faith, hope, and loyalty, just as Our Lady inspires us each day.

Celebrate the Legion of Mary’s birthday with love, faith, and unity
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